The first mechanic begins when the Warrior of Light casts Terror Unleashed on the entire party.

Look for the safe areas on the arena wall with no line drawn along it. 3 of the arena sides will be the base of a triangle. Sword of Light: Summons 3 swords that each mark out a lethal triangle area.Quintuplecast: Casts 5 consecutive Absolute mechanics in order of randomised cue appearance.Think E2N | E2S and have them move South. Looking at them gives you a Damage Down debuff. Absolute Flash: Targets one player with a Gaze marker.Absolute Stone III: Earthshaker markers on multiple party members.Don’t move or perform an action while it ticks down. Stay moving to not get frozen once it hits. Solemn Confiteor: Ground AoEs that target all 8 party members.Terror Unleashed: Applies a party wide Living Dead while bringing all to 1 HP.Ranged and Casters can preposition in their corners for Deluge of Death Flare markers in Phase 2. 1 Pyretic proc is lenient, 2 procs can be lethal. Watch your GCDs, OGCDs and autos when Pyretic applies from Absolute Fire III. 2 Damage Down stacks will have you do 0 damage until it fades! Don’t fail too many towers.Numerous mechanics target either all DPS or Healers + Tanks.Figure out corner pairs (DPS + Healer, DPS + Tank) and light party (2 DPS + Healer + Tank) groups.Assign clock positions to the party for mechanics requiring players to spread.If you have any suggestions, corrections or feedback for particular phases please let us know at can be found below.
#Tidal barding trial#
The Seat of Sacrifice (Ex) is the new Extreme Trial for 5.3 unlocked after finishing the Main Story Quest by talking to YoshiP the Minstreling Wanderer in The Crystarium. Likening your struggle to that of love, the man weaves a bittersweet tale of passion undying – a tale witnessed by the shimmering spires of the Crystal Tower, to be reflected and retold for generations to come. Though history will paint them as villains, the Ascians were driven by a deep and abiding desire to which all men may relate, and the minstreling wanderer cannot help but spare a thought for Elidibus, whose demise spelled the end of his people’s hopes and dreams.