Pavlov VR features quire medieocre 3D visuals.

In both cases, the multiplayer mode can fit from two up to ten players. In this mode, players have to wait until the end of the round in order to respawn, and the selection of weapons and armour depends on the amount of money they earn by completing objectives and killing enemies in consecutive battles. In the case of Seek and Destroy, one team defends the locations where the explosives are to be placed, and the other team tries to plant and then detonate them. The respawn occurs in real time, and weapons and armour can be chosen freely. In Team Deathmatch, players win after they eliminate the enemy team.

The game offers two different game modes. Pavlov VR revolves around multiplayer matches (it is possible to play with bots, but the game thrives on the rivalry between players). The camera returns to the FPP view when the character finishes his move. Players suffering from the motion sickness can use an alternative system of movement (Out of Body) - after switching to on, the player uses the motion controller to point where he wants to go and, during the movement, observes his hero from the third-person perspective. The same goes for two-hand weapons - when moving with it, players have to keep their hands in an appropriate position to simulate holding a weapon of a given type. activities such as reloading, throwing grenades, and attacking enemies with a knife require players to perform appropriate gestures using motion controllers. The controls system is very intuitive as e.g.