I don't know about it at 1, but if you seriously think the deck is still not going to do anything with Judgment at 3 I don't know what to tell you. You might have a counter BUT YOU ARENT ALWAYS GOING TO DRAW IT. You do realize that the last time spellbooks and inzektors were meta they had all these exact same problems, right? And even wind ups back when they had 3 of each card were still suspectible to hand traps and just chaining veiler to their magician. In short: Anyone who says that spellbooks, inzektors or wind-ups will be meta if they get their cards back (in wind-ups' case, everything except hunter) has never played those decks. Discard a veiler to magician of prophecy and they instantly lose unless they have a really strong hand. You know what will happen instead? Normal summon dragonfly, discard veiler, gg. Saying that spellbooks will be meta is like saying that inzektors will be meta if they get all their cards back. In general, it has too many problems to complete. Now, let's not even mention how the deck completely dies to side deck cards like Imperial Iron Wall. Heck, the deck even loses to a beelze unless they access their only Spellbook of Fate quickly, which is not that easy if it has already been used. Traps, and especially Mind Crush, completely KILL the deck. It starts out too slow and you just beg to get OTKd with the magician of prophecy opening. It is stupidly inconsistent, because if you don't draw at least 3 spellbooks you are locked out of priestess, which is your main boss. Anyone who says they will be meta has clearly never played the deck. To 1 and spellbooks will N-E-V-E-R be meta again. After all, the people who kept saying 3 Fate 0 Judgment Prophecies become a boring 3-monster deck that just plays advantage and sits on Priestess have a relevant point in the deck being one-note and that Judgment returning can potentially make variants to the deck possible. If anything, the main debate needs to be whether it's 1 Fate 1 Judgment or 3 Fate 1 Judgment. With 1 Vanity's, I've seen I think one random topping (making them a weaker deck than Yang Zings lel).Įrgo, if powercreep also isn't going to be adequately addressed, Judgment absolutely could return to 1. Keep in mind, if you want to bring up OCG Six Sams, you must note that their success is largely attributed to having 2 Shi En, 1 Gateway, AND 3 Vanity's. It is similar to Gateway in that regard, I 'spose, but I've also said that if powercreep won't be adequately addressed, there's no defensible reason to leave Gateway at 0 since adding it won't at all return Six Sams to the meta. Again, though, the next question is: what did you do with that first hand, and what can you do with the second? I mean, you ARE still playing Prophecy, and with the one Judgment gone, you're back to just playing the deck.

You basically get the advantages of playing a hand without any of the costs #WhitePrivilege. Now.Judgment isn't so much auto-win as it is just disproportionate advantage. Go ahead, tell me how good they are with Shock). At best it's turn 1 Shock, a play which not only doesn't exist in the TCG, but is hampered by the reality that, y'know, you're playing garbage tier Six Sams (don't think being garbage tier makes Shock an equally garbage play? Star Seraphs can make it easily. It can OTK, but because it requires field swarm, they'd have to be cleared of mons and S/T (and you'd have to reach 8K). Basically it gets a lucky power play that it can win with if it is lucky.

I fear that putting it at 1 will cause a six samurai sort of situation, only a little more consistent cause it's searchable. Yeah yeah, inb4 "CARD'S SACKY LOL TO 0 FOREVER NUB", but if there hasn't already come a point where we consider returning this to the deck, there will be soon enough. So, really, I want to see if a serious discussion can be had on Judgment. However, many decks have many 'stupid' card designs in them, but because their inherent engine is flawed, their 'stupid' cards don't ultimately matter. Now.I could potentially see how somebody could argue for 1 and 1, in that Judgment could only ever search 1 Fate, but, again, I'm not entirely sold on if this is really necessary to bring back the card.Ĭertainly, Judgment is an absolutely stupid card design. At 3, where it's been in Japan for the longest time, the deck has just been powercreeped over and over again. Most agree that Fate ought to go to 3, but some have suggested, instead, that we swap Fate with Judgment.Īnymore, I don't think that last thought holds up, because Fate just doesn't do enough for Prophecy. There have been many threads about this card since Prophecy began to decline.