Spi arduino serial#
In the setup function, the baud rate is set to 9600 to view the SPI output in the serial monitor. The indx variable stores the index of the 8 bit and the process variable saves the current status of the transmission. The buff variables stores the incoming values via SPI. The slave script starts also with the inclusion of the SPI library. If the transmission is complete, the master stops the clock signal and stops pulling the SS line LOW.The data transmission processes starts again. The whole shift register is then copied into the receive buffer and the shift registers are reloaded.The data exchange is done, when the complete shift register is transmitted.On the clock edge, the slave sends the first bit to the master via the MISO line.On the clock edge, the master sends the first bit to the slave via the MOSI line.The following steps are done all at the same time during one clock cycle on a full-duplex data transmission:.The master selects the slave device by pulling the SS line LOW (from logical 1 to logical 0).First the master device configures the SPI settings (clock rate, data shifting, mode of transmission).The following 6 steps describe the SPI data transmission: The SPI module is unbuffered in the transmit direction and single buffered in the received direction. Data is usually shifted out with the most significant bit first, defined by the SPI settings and stored as the new last significant bit of the shift register. The data which is transferred via SPI communication is stored in 8-bit or 16-bit shift registers which have the same length for the master and slave device. Because the Slave Select line connects each slave with the master there is no unique address for each slave like for the I2C communication. But SPI is able to handle multiple slave devices, each one connected to the master device via the so called Slave Select (SS) line. If you want to communicate between for example an Arduino Uno and a NodeMCU, one device has to be the master and the other one the slave. Therefore SPI is not able to build a multi-master system. In a SPI system you always have only 1 master device. But in practice it is up to you if you want to select the communication speed manually via the function, because the Arduino selects the communication speed automatically equal or less than the setting based on the device with the lowest communication speed. The following dividers are available: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128. For example if you want to have a SPI throughput of 8 Mbits/s and your chip rate is 16 MHz you use the following function with the parameter setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV2). To set the SPI clock relative to the system clock you use the function setClockDivider().

The ESP8266 has a higher chip rate compared to the Arduino microcontroller with 80 MHz and it is recommended to reduce the communication speed for the ESP8266 microcontroller too. Most Arduino microcontroller have a chip rate of 16 MHz but it is recommend to set the communication speed to ½ of the chip rate 8 MHz (8,000,000 bits/s). The speed which can be used by the microcontroller is based on the chip rate (clock rate). The maximal throughput is up to 10,000,000 bits/s and much faster than I2C and UART. SPI is recommended when the communication speed needs to bet very fast. Like I2C, SPI is a synchronous serial data protocol and therefore need a clock to synchronize the communication between master and slave devices. The transferred data is grouped in packages / messages, made of a header and a payloadĭata is transferred bit by bit along a single wire You can connect multiple salves to a single master You can have multiple masters controlling one or multiple slaves Instead of a clock signal the data steam itself contain start and stop signals 1960 by Gordon Bell at Digital Equipment CorporationĪ clock line is required to synchronize the communication